Drawn Back to Light shares Suzanne Young's unique life journey.
“Even though Drawn Back to Light includes 110 narrated paintings, this book is not about showing my skill as a painter or writer. It is my twenty-five-year healing journey. I share it with the hope that it may help others return to his or her childlike self. Children wear no masks—they are naturally intuitive, they have imaginative joy-filled hearts—they are wide open to life and love.Like most artists, I follow my heart. When life is approached with that much freedom, the road can get very bumpy. Bumps often create wounds that prevent us from being who we really are—our joy-filled hearts become crusted over with layers of pain. It takes courage and conviction to bring past pain to the light and turn negatives into positives. Ultimately my own bumps became my most important life lessons—now they are my blessings.I invite you to simply glance through the pages of DBTL. If a painting tugs at your heart, please stop and linger for a while. Often there is a deeper meaning when a memory from your past surfaces. If the words speak to you, stay and listen.Let yourself to be drawn back to Light.”